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Living in the goodness of God – Goh Family Updates May 2019

Dear friends and family,

We’re all set and ready to be launched! It’s been a busy month of renting our house out, raising funds, visa applications, meeting precious people, celebrating mother’s day, etc… We are very thankful and blessed for all that God has been to us!

Calligraphy Workshops

Upon a friend’s recommendation, Sheryl decided to try hosting some brush lettering workshops right at home. In the 2 workshops we hosted, we welcomed a total of 10 participants, including 2 Thai ladies! One of them lived in Chiang Mai for 7 years and it was easy to click over the common topic.
Many of the participants commented that they felt really welcomed into our home and it was therapeutic for them to learn brush lettering skills in a comfortable setting. We enjoyed extending hospitality to all 10 participants and it showed us a glimpse of how powerful Godly hospitality can be. A short testimony was also weaved into the workshop content. It is an interesting ministry platform that we hope to continue in the future. We are also thankful for the income received that helped with our expenditure in Singapore.

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Prayer by Church Elders’ Board

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It was our honour to be invited to our church’s Elders’ Board meeting to share about ourselves, ministry plans and our prayer needs. Knowing that we are leaving in 2 weeks for 2 years, our elders showered us with encouragement and prayers of blessing. Our hearts were filled with joy and love to know that the fathers of the House are behind us and believe in us.

We found a tenant for our house!

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We went through a roller coaster journey in renting our house out. We’re so grateful for one of our church uncles, Uncle Colin, who really went through every step with us. He not only helped us go find a good tenant, he was also intentional in discipling us and preparing us for missions. To read more about what happened, click here.

God provides for our financial needs

It’s been a faith-stretching month as we trusted God with our 1 year financial budget. We are awed by His provision through the generous giving of our friends and church. Currently, we have raised 87.8% of our budget. If you are keen to give financially or know someone who does, do drop us a message.

Pray for us!

  1. Visa application. We have to travel to Bangkok and KL in the next two months for visa matters. It’s a complicated and time-consuming process. Pray for God’s favour to be with us!
  2. Accommodation. We have short-listed a few potential ones but we will only start viewing the apartments when we reach on 1st June. Thankfully, one of our Thai couple friends have opened their home for us to stay temporarily. All the transitions can really wear us out emotionally, we need God’s protection over our marriage and our personal ministry.
  3. Finances. We hope that the remaining 12.2% will be raised before we fly so that we can fully focus on ministry and assimilation when we are in Thailand 🙂
  4. Wisdom. We don’t want to run ahead of God especially in this season where we are going to start our full-time missions work. We need His wisdom in stewarding our finances, managing our capacity, guarding our relationship with Jesus, and discipling God’s children.
  5. Safety. We’ll be flying off on 1st June 12.55pm flight, pray for safe travels and settling down.


Thank you for reading our newsletter and loving us on this journey! We love to hear from you. If you want to, you can drop us a note of encouragement below 🙂


Here’s a photo of our families celebrating mothers’ day. To all mothers out there, thank you for giving yourself for your family!

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