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Who Am I? – Goh into the Nations! May/June 2020

Dear friends and family,

This past month, we found ourselves in dire need of self-compassion. Growing up in Asian culture, we tend to give ourselves a hard kick when we seem unproductive, when we fail, or when we feel lost. Throughout this period we had successes, but we also had a fair share of failures. We had to adjust to new expectations and new approaches. You probably face such challenges in Singapore as well. We write about our reflection (Who Am I) on this issue below. But first, some ministry updates!

Pantry Of Sharing

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Rice, cooking oil, canned mackerel, instant noodles, and eggs!

Such cupboards have been springing up all over Thailand, and while it’s called “Pantry of Sharing” in English, the Thais call it “Cupboard of Joy”. Together with some friends in YWAM Thailand and a local Christian ministry, we set up one such cupboard in our neighbourhood. People can come and take items as they need. The cupboard certainly lives up to its name – every time we fill it up with food, people will come quickly and leave with joy. We are glad that the local community knows that they are not alone and there’s no report of unsavoury behaviour so far!

We take turns with our friends living in the area to fill up the cupboard so that there are items available for people to take every day. If you wish to contribute financially to this little project of ours, please contact us. We hope to keep it going for as long as covid-19 is still adversely impacting the economy.

The Hope Series

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As mentioned in the previous update, we have been developing a series of homeschooling worksheets for Thai-speaking children. While they were originally intended for homeschooling those who are stuck at home due to covid-19, we also gladly share it with those who want to use the materials for ministry.

The materials are based on bible stories and teach basic English, Math and Science to Thai-speaking children in an activities-based way. This idea came about because a Thai pastor highlighted to us that such Thai and Bible-based materials are scarce. If you or anyone you know can benefit from this set of resources, please feel free to let us know and we will share them with you!

Free website design

Sadly, over the past 2 months, we didn’t have people to assist in this area. While we do feel disappointed, it gave us more time to invest in other areas, such as….

Skill-based mentoring

It has always been on our heart to disciple youths and young adults through skill-based training. Jason has done web design for quite a while and has been remotely mentoring a few Singaporeans in this area, so we have been looking to replicate this ministry approach here in Thailand. And, we have been glad beneficiaries of such an approach in our young adult years ourselves.

This door has opened up – together with 2 Singaporean friends, we will be holding our very first skills-workshop with a group of youths from a children’s home! Through this workshop, we hope to expose them to digital skillsets that they may be interested in and expand their worldview as they prepare to go to university. Pray for the 4 of us to work well together to impact these young lives!

Reflection: Who Am I?

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During this covid season, we find ourselves revisiting this question again and again. Peeling away the layers of my ability, my skillsets, my ministry, my critical thinking, deep beneath the fortress of my extrinsic value, who am I actually?

As we look intently into the eyes of our true self, I believe that we will see God’s design and God’s love. Perhaps the reality of who we are leads us into a greater revelation of who God is. His living blueprint can be found in the design template of His beloved children.

So during this Covid season, I repeatedly find myself undervaluing my self-worth due to my perceived output. It’s subtle yet it creeps into my self-expectations. Time and again I would lose grip of God’s truth over my life, and in those times, I revisit this verse:

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying:

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Jeremiah 31:3

Jeremiah brings back the spoken word of God from the past, remembering His promises. He then reminds Israel that they are living in the actual fulfilment of God’s promises. No matter how terrible the circumstances are, no matter how fallen the Israelites are, they have been and will continue to be the apple in God’s eyes. The same goes for you and me. We are His chosen people, loved not for what we did, but for who we truly are: His children.

Pray for us

This is a period of transition for us as we move into new ministry roles in this changing ministry climate. You can pray for us in the following areas:

  1. For more mentoring opportunities through the impartation of skillsets. We are so excited about our first upcoming event!
  2. The completion of our support raising goals (15% to go! We thank God for the 85% he has provided.)
  3. Sensitivity to God’s leading as we navigate into new ministry platforms.

2 thoughts on “Who Am I? – Goh into the Nations! May/June 2020”

  1. Hi Jason & Sheryl,

    I always enjoy reading about your outreach ministry in Thailand. God be praised for enabling you and your
    team to creatively connect with the community using your computing skills, artistry and food ministry. God sees
    our hearts and He is the one to bring about kingdom expansion, so our 5 loaves and 2 fishes are more than
    enough with His grace…Mark 4:26-30

    Share with you an amazing way how God has used FB to connect one Bangladesh ex-migrant worker to Singapore. With God’s grace, I supported him in his medical expenses for a brain operation and with my care group prayed for his
    successful operation. Ash, his name for short, earlier found Christ in Singapore and went home to Bangladesh to share the gospel with many of his Muslim friends, baptising some of them. His faith is strong and even shared with me that though the roof of his village home was destroyed in the recent cyclone, he managed to get it repaired with the help of friends. Praise the Lord! Ash said he is contented to serve Jesus whether in plenty or in want. He is reaching out to his friends in Singapore and his surgeon as well. As soon as he is fully recovered from his brain operation, he will continue to distribute staple food to the villagers and shine the light of Jesus into the community:) His faithful outreach work like yours, are truly inspiring and deserve our prayer and financial support.

    Jason and Sheryl rest assured that I am praying along with you in your mission of faith to touch lives for eternity.
    Love in Christ,

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