JSCO July 2023 12

Hope in Christ – Goh into the Nations! August 2023

Dear friends and family,

We have underestimated the number of times that we find ourselves desperately needing the Hope of Christ in our lives and our ministry. Yet as we experience God’s hope, we see His provision over our ministry and in our personal growth.

JSCO – Social Enterprise

This year, we experienced the loss of 2 wonderful staff who we felt were key members of our social enterprise staff team. Even though we still have very good relationships with them, and they visit us periodically, we acknowledge that it’s been tough to release them and fully bless them in their next endeavors. As we pray for a stronger team, it sometimes feels like God is not in favor of that. It was very confusing.

Yet, as we learn to trust and hope in Christ, we see God’s exceeding goodness in all of these. Through our 2 ex-staff, we built stronger networks with their new organizations, and that has led to a number of new business leads for the social enterprise. This is yet another reminder that God does not have plans to destroy us.

Here’s our recent staff team picture. Most of our staff are hill tribe youths that we’ve trained and discipled. This year, we had a breakthrough in our capacity to serve clients. We broke a record of running 4 website projects simultaneously in a month! Our clients are mostly Christian ministries and non-profit organizations in Thailand, as well as Singaporean companies. This gives our staff and interns ample exposure to real-world projects, challenging them to work as a team and use their skills for God’s kingdom work in Thailand.

As we are fund-raising missionaries, we do not draw any salary from the social enterprise. Your financial giving allows us to run this social enterprise, focusing on maximizing kingdom impact and multiplying spiritual disciples. Thank you for investing in what God is doing through our social enterprise.

If you have a desire to be involved in Business as Missions in the area of tech and want to explore serving with us, do reach out to us! Our desire is to see more Singaporeans mobilized for BAM.

Community Center

Our Community Center staff team has been away completing their Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS) studies. Thip (pictured in the light blue dress at her graduation ceremony) graduated end-August and Mot will graduate in early September. We are already seeing positive growth in them as they dedicated the past few months to seeking the Lord, growing stronger in Him, and exercising their spiritual gifts in a live-and-learn community setting. We are so excited to have them back!

Sheryl will also be ending her sabbatical and going back to work in October. In October, the community centre staff team will be committed to prayer and intercession, seeking the Lord for fresh direction for ministry and building spiritual alignment as a team. We appreciate your prayers at this critical juncture of our ministry as we look ahead into the future.

TLC Church (Our Thai Church)

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We’ve been serving as translators in our church for the past 3 years. During Covid-19, the church had to reduce manpower so as to practice social distancing, and we translated the church service every week. Praise God that the translation team has since grown and we can now rotate to serve once a month. We thank God that we can serve our church in this way, and during the past Sunday, we were appreciated for our service. Thank God for this team!

How can you pray for us?

  1. Our missions pastor from RiverLife Church and 2 missions committee elders will be visiting us 11th – 14th September. We are excited as it’s their first visit. Please pray for us that we will be good hosts and that they can better understand the work that God is doing in Thailand.
  2. Pray for the Community Center’s reopening, and that God will speak powerfully to our team in our times of prayer and intercession. Pray also for the team to come back stronger in vision and clarity, being more equipped to serve together for the community to be reached for Christ.
  3. Pray for the Social Enterprise as we seek new staff and train more interns, open more opportunities for Thai hill tribe youths to know the Lord, and build meaningful discipleship relationships.

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