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The Power of Giving – Goh into the Nations! November 2022

What does it mean to give? As we approach Christmas, we share a short reflection before we dive into our ministry updates.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son

Colossians 1 : 13

We love how Paul referred to the Kingdom of God as the ‘kingdom of his beloved Son’. It is beautiful to be under the kingship of the One who gave His life for us. We have a King that gave all of Himself to His people. It’s probably the only time in the Bible where the Kingdom of God was mentioned in this way. As I was meditating on this verse, I felt a question surface in my heart: What did Jesus do that established His kingdom on Earth? Rulers of mankind have established their kingship through war, violence, and political ideologies. However, Jesus established his Kingdom in a very different way. Modern rulers usurp power, but Jesus gave himself.

For God so loved the world, that he gave..

John 3 : 16

When God gave, the domain of darkness starts to be irrelevant. When Jesus gave himself on the cross, the world was tossed upside down. God is a powerful giver, and when we give like how God gives, we are ushering God’s Kingdom into dark places in this world. We become His Kingdom’s ambassadors. Colossians 1:13 was made possible through Jesus’ giving!

When we see our Thai brothers and sisters giving from their hearts and serving with what they have, we know that they are agents of God’s Kingdom. We also think about you and we appreciate you for your giving. God desires for us to give freely as much as we receive freely. This newsletter is about giving from our hearts, and how we see it come alive as we partner with the locals in loving their own nation and people.

Mission Team from YWAM Canada

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Group picture with the team!

We were so blessed by this mission team from YWAM Canada! In October, they served with us for 1 month at our community center and our community felt so loved by them. They brought new life into our regular programs, including ministering to the kids in the cell group. With their support, we also organized a sports day event for our kids! This was the first time we brought the kids out to an external venue for a fun day out.

Digital Skills Training Center

In October, we had the opportunity to teach Web Design and Graphic Design at a big youth camp in Chiang Mai. From the camp, 3 kids have reached out to us to learn more. We will take them under our tutelage and provide internship opportunities with us at our social enterprise. There are more opportunities for us to do discipleship through digital skills, so please pray with us that we can have more volunteers to support our work.

Business Training @ Community Centre

We have always felt a burden to reach out to the adults in the community in a way that is relevant to them. One area we were exploring was through business training. Through God’s divine provision, a couple from America who was interested to run business training for community development contacted us and together, we made it happen! On 8 November, we ran a workshop on the fundamentals of business. Our plan is to bring this group through a 6 month program that will allow successful graduates to have access to micro financing loans for their business. They will meet monthly for discussions and equipping, and we envision doing church creatively through this platform!

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Mark is a businessman with years of experience, and we appreciate him for wanting to honour God with his gifts and talents, and serving the poor by passing on his knowledge.

How to pray?

Please keep us in prayer in the following ways:

  1. That we will find a godly male staff for our community center
  2. That the group of parents who will attend our monthly business training and fellowship will be edified by the sessions and that we can share the Gospel with them creatively
  3. Pray for the new students in our Digital Skills Training Center, that they will not only develop skills, but also a heart for the lost and needy.

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