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Outreach in Phang Nga! – Goh into the Nations! December 2019

Dear friends! 

It’s indeed a great change of gears when we left Penang for Phang Nga, a coastal province in the south of Thailand. What a joy to celebrate Christmas here with school kids and the local churches! 

We reached out to the kids that hung out frequently under the bridge that connects Phang Nga to Phuket, and it was so much fun with them! These kids have various different backgrounds, and some of them were left there by their parents everyday so that they can go to work. We played games, led songs, as well as share the Gospel story with them. 

We also had the privilege to enter public schools to reach out to the kids. We celebrated Christmas with them and also did basic english lessons! 

During the Christmas season, we also organised a Christmas party for Baan Santisuk, a YWAM Christian Orphanage in Phang Nga. Many of these kids were orphaned by the 2004 Tsunami, which killed more than 4,000 people. It was a blessing to pack and give gifts to our kids, as well as play fun games with them! These kids invited their friends from their neighbourhood and school for the party as well, and we had an opportunity to reach out to them with the Gospel.

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At a local church service, we had one of our Thai students who shared their testimony about how God deeply challenged her during her time doing outreach in Penang. As it was an international church, Sheryl helped to translate her testimony into English.

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A few days before the new year came, we went down to the local street market in the evening to bless the city and it’s people. While people thread through the busy streets, we sang Christian and pop songs, and we had some of our team mates who were passing out Gospel tracts. We definitely had much fun in the whole process, even though there were quite a few who were amused by our guts. We even had a few policeman who stopped by to have conversations! 

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In our ministry time here in Phang Nga, we see God moving powerfully in the hearts of the kids that He love so much. We are also very encouraged by how our students step out of their comfort zone to serve in areas that they are unconfident in, and to do things they have never done before. Amidst the busy schedule, we also get to visit the beach and to have our team debriefs and team ministry time there. This season of Christmas and New Year is indeed one of thanksgiving for both of us.

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Here are some ways that you can pray for us:

  1. Pray for us to continue to run this outreach marathon with good faith and integrity for the last 2 weeks before we head back to Chiang Mai for the student’s graduation
  2. Pray for the discipleship process for our students, that they will continue to encounter God’s heart for themselves and others
  3. Pray for us as we step into the new year, with clarity and with courage to take faith steps as we seek His will for us here in Thailand. 


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