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Leap of faith – Goh Family Updates Feb 2019

Dear friends,

Being back in Singapore after 5 months is indeed refreshing, right from being greeted by a brand new arrival hall in Terminal 1 upon landing. Our cellmate Ben came to pick us up and it was surreal to arrive at our home in Sengkang. We had expected a night of cleaning and clearing up, but to our very pleasant surprise, the house was so clean! Special thanks to Uncle Fook Loy and Auntie Serene for taking such good care of our house and returning it in a great shape.


At the duty-free wine and spirits shop in the airport, we were so tempted to buy a bottle of Moscato. However, the price seemed quite steep so we decided to walk away and forget about it. When we reached home and opened our fridge, we had another pleasant surprise – there was a bottle of Moscato right there! We didn’t even bother to check if it belonged to anyone; at that moment we knew that God loved us and cares about the smallest details. So of course, we joyfully opened up that bottle of Moscato to celebrate God’s faithfulness, throughout the Discipleship Training School journey and our return home!

In the past 2 weeks of being back in Singapore, we feel humbled by the love we received from our families, our friends, and our church. We had our reunion dinners on the 11th day of CNY, and we got to catch up and host some of our friends at our place. On the two Sundays we attended church, it was really heart-warming to be welcomed back home. Lord, we thank you for the love we received.

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The two most common questions asked during this time is “How was DTS?” and “What’s next?”. I don’t think I’ve ever given the exact same answer to anyone who asked; we’ve had a mountain of unique and enriching experiences during our time with YWAM! Both of us wrote about our individual journey through DTS and how the Lord has been speaking to us in this season after DTS. To read Jason’s, click here. For Sheryl’s, click here.

We are trusting the Lord to open doors for us, and we will go as he leads us in our next steps of faith. In the next year from May 2019 till April 2020, we will be serving under YWAM Chiang Mai. What will we be doing there?

First, both of us are planning to join the next Discipleship Training School in August 2019 as staff. We are really excited to journey with the incoming Thai and International DTS students in discipleship and missions. The next Chiang Mai DTS will be from August 2019 till January 2020.

Second, we will be enrolling into a language school to brush up on our Thai. We are serious in acquiring the proficiency to read and write Thai. This is very important especially in the direction that the Lord is leading us into.


Third, Sheryl is in the talks to serve part-time with a mercy ministry that works with victims of human trafficking and their children. Jason will be exploring BAM (Business as missions) ministries and seeking barista training.

It’s indeed exciting to partner God in His business of changing lives and transforming nations. Yet, this work is not for us to accomplish alone. We recognise the importance of each and every one of you back home, who will occasionally be reminded of us and say a short prayer for us. It matters very much to us!

For the next few months till May, we will continue freelancing in art and web design. We are exploring these two skillsets as potential platforms for discipleship in Thailand. Sheryl also took up part-time work with Cru Singapore, while Jason will be getting a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification through a 2-month course.

We have also started to raise funds for the year of ministry in Thailand (May 2019 – April 2020). As we trust God about our finances, we would like to invite you to consider giving to support our ministry as the Lord leads you.

Here’s how you can partner with us:
1. Consider giving to us financially through one-time or monthly gifts. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to have a clearer idea of our financial needs.
2. Be in our prayer whatsapp broadcast list to receive on-site prayer requests
3. Read our monthly letters and pray alongside us
4. Connect us with your friends who are looking for missionaries to give to and pray for

That’s it for now! We would love to hear from you. Feel free to Whatsapp or email us if you are keen to partner with us in any of the ways as mentioned above. Thanks for reading thus far! May the Lord continue to bless us as we respond to His bidding and obey His calling for our lives.

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In God’s love,
Jason X Sheryl


2 thoughts on “Leap of faith – Goh Family Updates Feb 2019”

  1. Pingback: Bridges - JASON X SHERYL

  2. Pingback: Stock-taking: DTS 2018/19 Chiang Mai and beyond - JASON X SHERYL

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