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Heart for the lost

It was an amazing week of encountering God’s heart for the lost. Through the lessons and outreach sessions, I gained simple yet powerful and helpful truths that I would want to hold dearly to in my life.

God reminded me that I was once lost, now found. God had a perfect heart of compassion over me. Despite of my sins, my wrongdoings, my unworthiness of salvation and relationship with God, He spoke love and worth into me. I did nothing to be worthy of such love, but I received it knowing that I deeply need it.

God, I thank you that you shower me with your compassion and love. Beneath all the filth and dirt, you saw a precious gem, a beloved son, a child crying for love. You gave me a hug and you cleaned me up, and spoke love. Those words of love were like a sword, it pierced my heart. It also gave me strength and conviction to reject the lies in my heart. You call me back to you, to finally come back home.

“Come home, my dear son. It’s been long, and I miss you.”

Ah, it was the love of the Father that brought me home.

Brothers and sisters out there that are still yet to come home, my Father loves you so.

Father, when I feel your heart, I feel your compassion for your children.

If You give me a heart for the lost, Lord, give me your strength as well, that I can love them and welcome them home.

Lord, I do not want to operate from an empty cup, but I’ll obey you, and only pour out what I’m given. I’ll pour in faith, but more so, I will run to you daily to fill my cup as I pour.

Lord, also help me to humble my heart, that I wouldn’t serve with a prideful heart, as if I deserve superiority, and that I wouldn’t speak love from a pedestal.

Lord, I want to speak to my brothers and sisters, back home or not, at eye level, not presuming any superiority that I don’t have.

As I was walking down the red light district in Chiang Mai with my team in a prayer walk, I asked God to show me His heart for the land. I wasn’t expecting anything much, but God surprised me. At 3pm, the street was mostly inactive, and we rested in a park halfway through, to pray and share about what we feel. As I was praying, I heard a man walk over, and I opened my eyes to see a man sweeping the park and the sidewalk near the park gates. It puzzled me why he would do so, as I could identify him as one of the guys selling stuffed toys outside the park. It wasn’t his property, nor was it dirty to the extent that customers would avoid walking down the pathway. At that moment I felt God saying clearly in my heart, “Jason, I want to clean up this street.”

Immediately I saw a vision of young people sweeping the floors of the red light district. It was a quick vision, and I closed my eyes and pray. I said, “God, if this is from you, send people to confirm it. If you want me to have any part in this, give me confirmation. I’ll not talk about it first.” I entrusted God this encounter. Honestly, if left to me, I would really prefer not to go back, nor take part in any ministry related to the red light district. God, only to You would I yield and obey.