Over the past few months, we experienced God’s supernatural provision and leading in our ministries and lives. Interestingly, it came out of a season of sabbath and of flowing with the River.
We have been reflecting on Ezekiel 47, where a man appears in Ezekiel’s vision and led him along the river that flows out from the temple. The man measures the river with great precision, and with every thousand cubits, the waters became significantly deeper. Eventually, it becomes so deep that he could no longer feel the ground while crossing the river. He had to swim along the gushing waters that would eventually end up in the dead sea, where its salty waters becomes fresh and filled with living creatures.
As we meditate on these verses, we felt the Lord nudging our hearts with these words: “Let the River flow, for the River knows where it’s going”. The Lord wants us to stop swimming against the current and let the River bring us to where it is going. It was a refreshing revelation that brought much peace to us. Jason was reminded of how his father would teach him to swim. He would always tell Jason to relax his body and let nature take its course.

During our recent six-week trip to Singapore, many of our trusted mentors and friends noticed that we have been constantly overwhelmed with work and crises over the past few years. They spoke into our lives and advised us to take the necessity of a healthy life rhythm seriously. With all these reminders, we made drastic changes to our ministry schedules and roles. We discussed with our teams and made these difficult but necessary decisions. We set aside work hours and we focused on rest when it was the time to rest. We also added a rhythm of exercise and time alone with God to our schedules. Trust us, it’s harder than being workaholics.
What is it like to flow with the River?
As we choose to flow with the River of God, we see how God is very intentional in His ministry with His people. He delights in us letting Him take the lead. The greatest takeaway over the past few months is a deeper revelation of His presence and His assurance in our lives. Our tendency to overwork is a reflection of our slavery, but God assures us that we are no longer slaves or orphans, but His sons and daughters. When He leads us to work, we work diligently and delightfully. When we are tired, He wants us to come to Him for rest.

Even as we rest in God, we see our ministries expanding! The team at our social enterprise is growing and the office is now too small. That means that may need to move soon. At the community centre, group programmes have finally resumed after a year of one-on-one programmes. We now have a more stable flow of highly committed volunteers that enables our staff to build wide and deep with the community. In June, we will be launching our first Digital Skills course that will span a period of 8 weeks. This is the little step that we are taking toward our vision of starting a Christian vocational school to equip youths with digital skills.

Support raising
We always thought (subconsciously) that we need to do more to raise more funds. We had set aside the period of March to May to raise funds for ministry and personal expenses, and we had lots of creative ideas to raise awareness of what we do. Yet, we felt no peace executing them, and it really felt like we were sitting ducks, waiting for God to do something. Interestingly, we felt led to reach out to a handful of people about our support raising needs, and in the end, God provided all our needs through this small group! As of now, we have raised all the funds we need for the rest of the year. All praise to God!
How to pray for us?
Keep us in prayer in the following ways:
- Pray for our Digital Skills course in June, that we will receive a sizeable class of committed students who will have hearts open to who Jesus is.
- Pray for our rest and our walk with God, that we continue to grow in our walk with Jesus while serving in a cross-cultural setting
- Pray and give thanks to God for His financial provision as we serve in the field
- Pray that our social enterprise will find a suitable office space and settle down well