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Answering the call to Thailand – Goh Family Updates March 2019

Dear friends and family,

We are excited to be moving to Thailand to serve under YWAM Chiang Mai in 2 months time!

We believe that the Lord is calling us to a long-term vision in Thailand. Hence, for the coming 1-2 years, we will be focusing on gaining Thai cultural and language proficiency before diving into formal ministry work. This will help to prepare us to overcome challenges that will arise from cultural misunderstandings and miscommunication, be it in ministry teams or with the people we minister to.

Initially, we wanted to go straight into ministry. However, God changed our plans and brought us back to the foundations of our work through the wise counsel of our YWAM and church leaders. In fact, gaining proficiency in 2 years is only possible because we will be culturally immersed in Thailand. If we were to be involved in formal ministry on top of rigorous language school schedule, we would take much longer to be proficient. We will also take these 2 years to explore opportunities and prepare ourselves for the business + mercy ministry that God is calling us into. We are thankful for God’s guidance through our leaders!

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Us with the YWAM Chiang Mai staff team!

March: A Month of Realignment

March felt like a pitstop. We had to slow down to allow God to realign our hearts to His heart for this new season. Sometimes, pitstops can feel like a delay. Yet, they are very necessary. Even the best tires get worn out. If we ignore the need to detour into a pitstop, we risk skidding off the tracks and ending the race prematurely. Since we believe that God wants us to run a good marathon, we must learn to have a healthy rhythm of rest, feeding, and serving.

Mission Trip to Yangon, Myanmar

One highlight was our church mission trip to Yangon, Myanmar. We were involved in a church-planting seminar for the local pastors which you can read more about here.

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Another reason to rejoice in coming home is to get to catch up with friends! Here are some photos. Unfortunately, there are many other photos with friends that we didn’t get to take.

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Sheryl: One month with Cru

Some of you may know that Cru Singapore hosted a Josh McDowell tour in mid-March mainly to speak on the topic of overcoming pornography addiction. I was roped in one month before the tour and it was such a blessing! First, it was a good catch-up with my ex-ex-colleagues and hear about what God is doing in their lives. Second, being on the media team gave me the great privilege to interview our local pastors/speakers and learn from the way that they interacted with each person with respect despite being someone of status. Third, I got to witness 2000 people, mainly youths, gather to hear about the taboo topic of overcoming pornography addiction. 2000 people declaring that they will live according to God’s intention for wholeness. Surely, there will be struggles and some may fall off along the way. Still, that’s 2000 precious seeds of truth planted that will bear fruits in our generations to come. God is doing his amazing work of transformation in my country, Singapore.

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Jason: Heart for business as missions 

It’s refreshing to receive a revelation of how God used my childhood and my family to shape me for my destiny. Read more about this here.

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Partner us!

We are very excited about the opportunities we have to serve His kingdom, especially during this period of gearing up for our next season in Thailand. Praise God for the revelations that has helped us to make sense of our past in light of where He is leading us to in the future. Thank you for praying for us as we go into the nations!

We are raising financial support for our next 2 years in Thailand. Currently, we are only at 11% of our support raising target as a couple. Please prayerfully consider to send us out by giving financially. Do contact us if you wish to do so.

Prayer pointers:

  1. Pray for more financial supporters
  2. Pray for a smooth rental process of our current flat in Singapore
  3. If you have any word of knowledge or encouragement that you receive for us as you pray for us, do let us know too! Our hearts will be blessed. Thank you for praying for us 🙂